Cyber Insurance

The growing cyber threat to businesses of all sizes is a real and costly experience. This, along with the new Mandatory Reporting Requirements make it critical all business have the most appropriate Cyber Liability Insurance Policy. Contact us today to discuss in detail.

What is a cyber-attack?

–          Ransomware

–          Pharming

–          Malware

–          Phishing

–          DDOS

–          Botnets

–          SQL Injection

Any attempt to gain unauthorised access to a computer system.

Who are the offenders?

–          Rogue employees

–          Cyber terrorists

–          Hactivists

–          Competitors

–          Organised criminals

Are only large companies attacked?


– Largest cyber-attack in Australia’s history hit 40 service stations and retail outlets

– A refrigeration mechanic in Alice Springs was the victim of a cyber-extortion

– A Gold Coast medical centre was the target of cyber extortion

Who should have Cyber Cover?

Every company that uses a computer.

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Tony makes the complex simple. His approach is to ensure that no problem is too big or too small for him and his team to answer. He provides a warm service, is readily available, and genuinely cares. It’s been great to get to know him, and confident that as our business continues to grow, his service and offering will grow with it.

- Tom Frazer – Half Dome