
Steadfast Network Broker is part of Australasia’s largest general insurance broker network, the Steadfast Group. We leverage Steadfast’s scale to ensure our clients have access to a wide range of insurance companies, a broad range of products, exclusive policy options, and of course, competitive pricing. And when the time comes and you need to make a claim, you will have the backing of Steadfast behind you. Click here to view the Steadfast Website

McCormick Harris Insurance has been principle member since 1997. NIBA is the national trade association for licensed life and general insurance brokers in Australia. They provide assistance in aspects of accreditation, training support, as members we continually improve our levels of expertise and professionalism.
NIBA is committed to the advancement of professional insurance broking and to the fostering of public confidence in brokers. Its leadership role in industry representation and in lobbying and government relations is well known and respected. As is its active promotion of high ethical standards. Click here to view the NIBA website

MSM is the premier firm in Australia that specialises in the preparation of all economic loss and material damage related claims for clients from the large multinationals, listed corporations and government agencies to small enterprises.
MSM has prepared claims from those that were below A$10,000 to those in excess of A$100million. Click here to view the website

Gold Seal is recognised as the leading provider of Compliance, Human Resources and Training and Education services to general insurance intermediaries and distributors.
Gold Seal helps clients to manage risk and embrace a risk culture. We provide services that help clients to comply with laws and regulations that impact their business and its performance. The ongoing application of Gold Seal’s services can enhance business profitability. Click here to view there website.

With today’s requirements on Businesses, Business owners and directors every growing and changing. McCormick Harris Insurance have identified the need for their customers to gain first class Systems, Advice and Monitoring for their Health and Safety Procedures in the workplace.
Eastman Lynch are a specialized Heath and Safety consulting business that can provide you with the solution to your OH&S requirements. Click here to view their website.

McCormick Harris and Associates are a registered general insurance broker with ASIC and is require to abide by stringent legislative control overseen by APRA. Annual audits are only one requirement of ASIC to ensure greater consumer protection. Click here to view website.

Clients not satisfied with our services should contact our Complaints Officer. We are members of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) a Free Consumer Service. Further information is available from our office, or contact AFCA directly on 1800 931 678 or visit We also adopt The Insurance Brokers Code of Practice.